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Installation 2017 - Bed, bedding, mousetraps, table, tablecloth, perfume, scandal reporting data of the year 2012

The strait of Xouthou…

The closure of the room…

How can a bed be transformed into a trap?

The betrayal, the injustice, the social responsibility, the bewilderment, the lie, the death…  some of the versions…


Why me too in Xouthou?

“Maybe there is no death as we know it.  Just documents changing hands”.

Don Delillo, white noise.

Evidences you detect in their everywhere dispersion…

You are looking for the “where”…  the-where…   “Where”, this is the etymological “weight” of the sites.

How charged can be a two-square alley?  How charged may be Xouthou street in its two building blocks, to become a place?

The concept of place is connected with experiences through experiences, is connected with all the fixatives of humanity:  subjectivity, corporality, truth and lie, appearance and meeting with the other…

Looking for the history of Xouthou street we will agree that it was a point of reference for a place lasting at least 60 years, within the wider area of the Athenian center.  A place, point of material recording for those who did not fit into the Athenian stereotype and searched for a land, at least of two blocks, to bring it to their point of escape from regularity.

The density of the track from the passage of such a small but intense community is the challenge of an escaping truth.

A challenge that artistic nature seeks.

That’s why I am in Xouthou.

To retrieve from forgotten documents the characteristics of the site and the post-site of Xouthou and point out, through the artistic refraction, the “off” of a central urban narrative.


                                                                                                                                                  September 2017

                                                                                                                                                Alexandra Petranaki

Created by Aristidis Sarantopoulos 2015. Updated on June 2021.
Proudly presented by WIX.

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