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Who is afraid of Rhinoceros?

Give me more

June 2016


Variable dimensions / [indicative (4x3x4)m].

Materials: Darkness, sound, smell, dried bovine bellies, lights, ropes, pieces of iron.

The sound is made by of my voice and friends who accepted to be recorded, edited and montaged on my own text.

Attractive voices of everyday life advertise the dream, push towards uniformization and herding. They set standards that, through their attractive appearance, lead to the effacement of distinctiveness and aim to make us adopt mass traits uncritically, suffering thus from “rhinoceritis”, as Eugene Ionesco put it in his play “Rhinoceros”.


In a dark environment they shine. When you approach, the picture changes. Now you are close enough to see what lured you. These odd lanterns are nothing but the “rhinoceroses” that have “drawn” you among them.


The work was presented in June 2016 in the 4th Festival Back to Athens organized by Cheapart. 

Photos by Evi Tsoutsoura and Vasilis Mantzouris

Created by Aristidis Sarantopoulos 2015. Updated on June 2021.
Proudly presented by WIX.

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